Tag: www.IAmATexan.com

  • 7 Toxic Reasons to Ditch Dryer Sheets

    By Vanessa Romero We are exposed to a plethora of toxins every day, and while we can’t remove every toxin from our life, we can take measures to lessen our exposure as well as enhance our bodies ability to detoxify. In today’s blog post I’m going give you 7 toxic reasons to ditch dryer sheets.…

  • Duck Dynasty – The Show That Got Away

    by Pat Archbold After A&E fired Phil Robertson for saying what every good Christian should believe, social media has been abuzz.  One of the recurring themes has been puzzlement about why A&E would cut off its nose to spite its face.  Duck Dynasty is the franchise right now. Why would they risk destroying their own…

  • A Christmas Miracle

    by Donna Wallace Helen. Dear, sweet, elderly, Helen. Such a beloved lady, and friend to all who knew her. Helen had belonged to the same church for almost all her adult life. She saw many members come and go, bond and feud, but she had always remained faithful to her beliefs, and she was highly…

  • Christmas Magic During The Great Depression

    by Beverly Roberts Jostad Christmas 1940 makes me misty-eyed every time I think about it. I was a high school student and The Great Depression was in full swing. In the hard times of the era, people depended on one another. We collected food, clothing, bedding and household items and gave them to the needy.…

  • On Santa’s Team

    Author Unknown My grandma taught me everything about Christmas. I was just a kid. I remember tearing across town on my bike to visit her on the day my big sister dropped the bomb: “There is no Santa Claus,” jeered my sister. “Even dummies know that!” My grandma was not the gushy kind, never had…

  • Keep Your Fork

    // Author Unknown The sound of Martha’s voice on the other end of the telephone always brought a smile to Brother Jim’s face. She was not only one of the oldest members of the congregation, but one of the most faithful. Aunt Martie, as all the children called her, just seemed to ooze faith, hope,…

  • Grandpa’s Hands

    by Melinda Clements . Grandpa, some ninety plus years, sat feebly on the patio bench. He didn’t move, just sat with his head down staring at his hands. When I sat down beside him he didn’t acknowledge my presence and the longer I sat I wondered if he was OK. Finally, not really wanting to…

  • Christmas Hunting

    By Carey V. Smith Every year in December, comes a time that strikes fear into the heart of every husband and father. That is the Christmas shopping. Men are by nature conquerors, and the shopping experience of many is the same as visiting an art gallery, museum, or sight-seeing. There is nothing to do, no…


    posted by staff You’ll need the following: a cup of water, a cup of sugar, four large eggs, two cups of dried fruit, a teaspoon of baking soda, a teaspoon of salt, a cup of brown sugar, lemon juice, nuts, and a bottle of Texas Silver Star Whiskey. Sample the whiskey to check for quality.…

  • Soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas Told That Christians are Terroristic Threats

    Are Christian soldiers going to be prosecuted if they tithe to their church? Donate to Republican politicians who are aligned with the Tea Party? According to the latest pre-deployment briefings soldiers are getting the answer is a shocking “YES”. Soldiers attending a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood say they were told that evangelical Christians and…

  • Stranded in Belton, Texas

    posted by staff (Belton, Texas) One evening a man saw an elderly old woman stranded on the side of the road, but even in the dim light of the late afternoon, he could see she needed help. So he pulled up in front of her fancy car and got out. His old Pontiac was still…

  • High School Forces Student To Remove ‘Duck Dynasty’ Shirt Because It Was Deemed ‘Threatening’

    posted by staff Silas “Uncle Si” Robertson giving a presentation at a local elementary school A Virginia high school wasn’t “happy, happy, happy” with a “Duck Dynasty” t-shirt one student wore to class recently. According to WWBT-TV, Dinwiddie High School forced Hunter Spain to remove his shirt that pictured Si Robertson with the words “I…