The Washington Times Reports:
These were the lyrics from the opening song, called “Feels Like Change,” reported by The Blaze: “Oh, I tried to believe in George Bush, I tried to trust. But it’s ashes to ashes now, and it’s dust to dust. Do you feel it baby? Oh do you feel it? It feels like change.”
As though that wasn’t enough, in a messianic style praise song they continued later in the program with this song from the same school assembly: “Hey, Mama, Obama. He got the mo’ jama. Talking about Americana. H-O-P-E, hope I get a new pajama … Obama, Obama we got the mo’ mama, we got the mo. Fujiyama, sing Obama from the top of Mount Asama. … You’re on a roll Obama, you’re on a roll.”
KPRC reports: (click here for video)
A Black History Month program at A Houston elementary school may have backfired after some parents complained that children were asked to sing a song with pro-President Barack Obama lyrics.
Isreal Palomo said his 8-year-old son took part in the program at HISD’s Katherine Smith Elementary School earlier this week.
“I got nothing against him, but I didn’t vote for him. I didn’t see why they should be indoctrinated about President Obama,” said Palomo.
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The issue has been discussed nationally by conservative radio talk show hosts, who are urging parents to complain if their children’s school offered similar programs.
Meanwhile, HISD released the following statement about the controversy on Friday:
“The song lyrics you received were used as part of an after-school PTO program celebrating Black History Month at Katherine Smith Elementary School. Students who participated had signed permission slips from their parents to participate in this after-school event. They danced to the music, but did not sing or otherwise recite the lyrics. Copies of the lyrics were given to the parents, but not the students. This program was organized by three first-year teachers, who mistakenly failed to get the principal’s approval to distribute the song lyrics. After reviewing the lyrics, the principal agrees that some of the songs were overly political and should not have been included in the program. The teachers who coordinated the program have been reminded that materials such as this must receive prior approval by the principal in the future. The principal apologizes to those who may have been offended by some of the lyrics that were included in the PTO program.”
However, other parents told KPRC Local 2 they had no problem with the song about President Obama.
“He’s our president. I see nothing wrong with it,” said one parent.
“I thought all the songs were positive,” said another parent. “I’m just glad they did something for black history month.”
UPDATE: Houston ISD has reported that the three first year teachers involved will undergo training and the superintendent does apologize and recognizes that political activity like this has no place in schools.
Is your child facing issues in their school? Call Jon Ker.