by Boyd Taylor
There is finally an explanation why people who live in older neighborhoods with large trees have less stress than those in new subdivisions, and it is not because people in the older areas tend to be wealthier and their neighborhoods more expensive.
A City of Austin arborist says big trees have emotional benefits. He says there is less neighborhood stress when big trees are around.
.Council will consider a program at its next meeting to bus residents from small-tree areas into big-tree neighborhoods for therapy sessions. “There will be individual and group therapy sessions, including tree-hugging and napping in the shade. City counselors will be in attendance to assist those who have never had the big-tree experience.”
.Proposals to plant more trees in big-tree deficient areas have been rejected as too little, too late. “Only an aggressive program of big-tree exposure can remedy the years of neglect.”.
A Panhandle legislator has introduced a bill to ban tree-hugging busing. “We don’t have any big trees where I come from, or any psychiatrists either, and we’re all perfectly normal.”
Boyd Taylor is the author of “The Hero of San Jacinto”, a riveting book about Texas history and politics set in modern times. It’s a must read.
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*This is an exerpt from Boyd’s blog. His original blog can be found by clicking here.
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