• How To Earn Our Desks

    Author Unknown On the first day of school, Martha Cothren, a social studies school teacher did something not to be forgotten. With permission of the school superintendent, the principal and the building supervisor, she took all of the desks out of the classroom. The kids came into first period, they walked in, there were no…

  • The Angel of Death

    by Julia Robb Elroy Camp died at midnight, while Beulah held his bony hand and prayed. Mr. Elroy took a trembling breath. He never breathed out. “I might have known,” Mr. Elroy’s daughter said when Beulah called. “Ma’am?” “You heard me. Families in this community hire you to take care of their loved ones and…

  • University of Texas Athletics Hit New High!

    by Boyd Taylor It has been a record year for UT athletics. Football, basketball and baseball have all placed in the bottom of the Big 12 Conference standings.  According to Athletic Director DeLoss Dodds, “We are finally getting the program where we want it to be. The money we are spending on athlete amenities is…

  • The Rebekah Chronicles (an excerpt)

    by Jon Williams   Prologue This book has been a work of love for several years. As with any book, it is almost complete, but it is not nearly done as every time I read it I make little changes here and there. If you know me, you know that I was adopted. If you…

  • SCALP MOUNTAIN (an excerpt)

    By Julia Robb Chapter Thirteen Report to Major Lou Phillips, Austin headquarters, from Texas Ranger Capt. W.E. Henry            Sir: I have the honor to report the death of Mage Higgins, the man who shot down Sheriff Dell Rogers. After Higgins, we also trailed the gang stuck up the Round Rock bank and recovered the…

  • The North Koreans Messed With Texas

    by Boyd Taylor Immediately after North Korea successfully fired a rocket and exploded a nuclear bomb near Austin, Governor Perry sprang into action. From his bunker deep under the George H.W. Bush Library in College Station, he rejected aid from the federal government. “This is why we have the Texas Rangers,” he said, announcing that he…

  • Southern Medical Terms

    Author Unknown   Benign – What you be, after you be eight. Artery – The study of paintings. Bacteria – Back door to cafeteria. Barium – What doctors do when patients die. Cesarean Section – A neighborhood in Rome. Cat scan – Searching for Kitty. Cauterize – Made eye contact with her. Colic – A…

  • The Hero of San Jacinto (an excerpt)

    by Boyd Taylor He decided to take the bus home and think about what to do next. He walked half way to the bus stop before he remembered he had left home with no money and no billfold. No UT I.D. that would have gotten him a free ride on the bus. Nothing. He doubted…

  • Slavery in America… It Still Exists, And It’s Probably In Your Neighborhood

    by Sandy Boulter A Bill advertising slaves for sale in Mississippi in the 1800s. Many of us would like to forget about slavery… in the past and present. When you think about Slavery you usually think of a time long ago, when people were taken from their homes and shipped half way around the world…

  • My Missionary Family and Their Adventures in Peru

    by Julia Robb Before my sister Sarah and her family left Peru in 2004, a mud slide had almost swept them off an Andean mountain (they were 1.5 miles straight up), they were traveling on roads so bad it took 24 hours to travel 800 miles, had broken down in places where they could not…

  • I Don’t Tube Much These Days…

    by Angie’s Hubby So there I was, just minding my own business. It was a beautiful Saturday morning and I was planning to enjoy it just laying around and doing not much. Angie suggested that the whole family take a trip up the road and enjoy a nice relaxing tubing trip down the peaceful, lazy…

  • The 25 Best Ways to Annoy a Yankee

    Author Unknown 1. Take your own sweet time when doing ANYTHING. 2. Pronounce all one-syllable words as if they had two syllables. 3. When giving directions, finish with “it’s right down yonder on the left.” Confuses them no end! 4. Talk REAL slow, and (even when you hear them the first time) always ask them…