by Jon Williams
Jon, Kasha, and Winston Williams
Many folks see I Am A Texan as a fun FaceBook page which shares fun photos throughout the day which helps get them through their workday. Others see it as a forum which they can express their Texas pride to other like-minded Texans. Still others see it as just an online radio station which they can listen to, and even more see it as a portal to recipes and articles from Texans. Even more see it as a General Store which has items for sale from around Texas.
It is all these things and more.
I Am A Texan was created to help support local Texas businesses grow and expand. We use the tools of social media, blogs, online radio, co-branding, an affiliate program, and community awareness (fundraising and support of non-profit groups) to achieve these goals. We are a one-of-a-kind outlet for all types of Texans, and we want to keep it that way!
Last year when I was in Afghanistan, I was watching a special on AFN (Armed Forces Network) News Channel in which the moderator made the claim, backed up by data which I haven’t been able to find (and if you can find it on the internet, I’d be obliged), in which he stated that if every American would spend just $100 more per person on American made goods then up to 30 million more jobs in America would be created. Now, those numbers stuck in my head. Obviously, I can’t make a difference, at least now on a national level. But what if I can make a difference on a state level? What if I Am A Texan can cause Texans to each spend $100 more per year on Texas made goods? If there are 300 million Americans and there are 27 million Texans, using the same math on a smaller scale, this would mean that 2.7 million jobs could be created in Texas. That’s not even counting the already strong economy we have in Texas!
Plus, it got me to thinking further. What if we took the power away from the big box stores? Sure, they have their place, and I’m guilty of shopping there myself. However, just $100 a year more at local Texan owned businesses should be pretty easy to do. I could train myself to do it. I could convince my friends to do it. I could make it easy for my fellow Texans to do it on an amazing website with a single checkout where they could buy candles from the Texas Hill country, books from Austin, handmade signs from Emory, and so much more. Eventually we could grow into the number 1 go-to place for Texans.
Yep, that’s the I AM A TEXAN dream.
That’s why we exist.
Thank you for being a part of the dream. Thank you for supporting I Am A Texan. Thank you for continuing to be a part of our dream of keeping Texas the best place on earth.
P.S. If you’d like to participate as:
1. Seller, please email [email protected]
2. Fundraiser, please email [email protected]
3. Affiliate, please email [email protected]
4. Advertiser, please email [email protected]
5. Blog Contributor, please email [email protected]
6. Photos for Facebook/Twitter please email [email protected]